I've moved on to another hobby called 'graphic designing' and I got really interested in styling my Youtube channel. I thought things looked a bit dull around Youtube so I thought I might start to 'pimp' things out a bit. Most of my friends who were also Graphic Designers told me I should get Adobe Photoshop or Gimp.
But since I didn't have any money on me, I used Gimp instead. Gimp is an Image manipulation program similar to Adobe Photoshop, sort of like what they call an 'image editor'. Right now, you'll see that on my channel, there would always be a wonderful design as my background. I enjoy Graphic Designing.
So I started a little business. Things were working out. I started Professional Graphic Designing with Gimp when I was only 12 years old. Most tutorials I look at were the ones by Octotuts, Jxtutorials, Gimpknowhow, and Gimptricks.
I also done Photoshop. Two Programs were still both the same, I just needed to figure it out. Just to tell you, Gimp is just as powerful as Photoshop, so I really can't tell the difference between them both. Honestly, I do think they are both helpful.
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